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All content on the Select Residential website, including without limitation, logos, text, images, graphics, sound recordings and video works, is protected by copyright and/or design right owned by Select Residential (SP) Ltd or by its subsidiaries or affiliates unless identified as belonging to third parties. No license is granted to copy, reproduce, use or otherwise deal in Select Residential website content, including any copyright or design right work of Select Residential. The Select Residential website may not be linked to or reproduced on third party websites without the prior written consent of Select Residential.

Trade Marks

The Select Residential name and logo are trademarks of Select Residential (SP) Limited and may not be used without its prior written consent. All other names and logos on the Select Residential website may be registered by third parties and may not be used without their prior written consent. No license is granted to use the Select Residential name or logo.

Terms of Use

When you use Select Residential’s website, you agree to the present conditions. Select Residential reserves the right to change these conditions as well as the content of the Web site at any time without notice. If you do not agree to these conditions, we kindly request you to refrain from using our website.

Content of the Select Residential Website and liability

We at Select Residential undertake to maintain our website in the most up-to-date version at all times and to provide you with a high-quality, comprehensive overview of our activities, services and offers. Despite this, Select Residential does not guarantee in any way the topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Select Residential and its authors are not liable for any claims for direct, indirect or consequential damages of a tangible or intangible nature arising from the use or non-use of the information provided.

All information and offers on the Select Residential website are without obligation and non-binding. They serve merely information purposes and should not represent any sort of decision-making criteria prior to consultation. However, our staff members are happy to provide you with competent service and comprehensive information about our property and services in a personal consultation.

References and links

Clicking on direct or indirect links of the Select Residential website to other Internet sites which were not created by Select Residential may result in your leaving the Select Residential website. We have not reviewed the content of these linked websites with regard to their legality, and thus assumes no liability whatsoever for the content or products of these websites.


We wish to warn you of the lack of security of electronic mail and thus advise you not to send us confidential information by e-mail unless you use an encryption program. Otherwise you may wish to use regular mail, or a recognised courier service. If you send us information by e-mail, we will regard this as your consent to our communicating with you about the matter in question by e-mail. In this case you and Select Residential are legally liable for any declarations made by e-mail, insofar as no special form requirements exist based on a contractual agreement or compulsory legal provisions. Should an e-mail which was demonstrably sent by Select Residential not reach its intended recipient by accident, Select Residential assumes no liability whatsoever for any disadvantageous legal consequences which arise as a result.

Investment information provided as a general guide – not investment advice
The content on this website is provided as a general guide for discussion purposes, based on well-researched market information and reasonably held opinions, covering a range of property marketing and property management themes. Select Residential is not holding itself out to be providing you with independent financial advice and we assume no liability for any reliance you place on the content of this website or conversations we may have with you relating to it.

We recommend that you carry out research market information from different sources and seek proper advice as appropriate before following any recommendations. Any market forecasts or other statistics we reproduce on this website are believed to be correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change.

Accuracy of architects plans and market information

Select Residential gives notice that the floor plans provided and architectural images on this site are produced in good faith and set out as a general guide only which does not constitute any part of an offer or contract. The floor plans are believed to be correct at the time of publication.

Select Residential endeavours to ensure that any market forecasts we provide are accurate and well-researched at all times, however we cannot ultimately warrant the accuracy of that information and cannot be held liable for any reliance you may make of or put on it unless agreed with us in writing.

Information Policy

Information we collect from our customers and users of our websites may be used in the following ways.

Registration details

Personal information provided as part of the registration process for any publication, product or service is used to manage the relationship with you and to enable us to provide a better service.

Contact details

We will use contact details provided by you as part of any registration process (i.e. your name, job title, telephone number and your e-mail and postal addresses) to provide any product or services requested by you and also to tell you about important changes to relevant services.

Calls will be recorded

Payment details

Any information provided by you in connection with any transaction regarding your credit or debit card numbers, expiry date and billing or delivery address will be used by us to process the transaction. These details will be stored on a secure server and may be used by us to facilitate and personalise future transactions with you. If you do not wish us to store and use the information for future transactions, please contact us.

Contact details other than e-mail addresses will be used by us and by our associated companies to provide you with information about other services and products which may interest you and may also be disclosed to third party businesses and advertisers for the same purpose. If you do not wish to be contacted for this purpose, you may register your preferences by clicking here.

We will not use or disclose your e-mail address for marketing purposes unless you have agreed that we may use or disclose it in this way. You may at any time opt-out of receiving further e-mails by registering your preference here.

Voluntary Information

We may ask for further information about you as part of online surveys or if you enter any competition or other promotional feature. This information will be used to enable us to improve the relevant product or service and may also be disclosed to other companies as specified in the relevant promotion.

Statistical information

Aggregate statistical information provided by us to our advertisers or others regarding sales or website usage will not include personal identifying information.


Your personal data will be held on a secure server. Our sites are equipped with the latest security devices/firewalls.

Access to Data

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), tailored by the Data Protection Act 2018, you have the right to be told what personal information we hold about you on our databases. You should write to us, attn Company Secretary at the company registered address, stating your full name, your address and any of our services to which you know you subscribe.


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